Sorry to mix topics a little, but I'm starting to think about Summer activities since DD9 decided she didn't like most of the (rather nice) summer camps I had signed her up for last year and 'doesn't want to go to summer camp' this Summer.

She wants to stay home and read, which generally is good but I think she needs a little more structure for at least part of the day. I'm thinking about trying to find some kind of online stuff for her to do an hour or two a day (with supervision) and then maybe have a sitter take her to the pool for awhile in the afternoons so she can hang out with other kids and I can get some work done. (Don't worry, we're also going to have a couple of weeks just goofing off and some math camps; there are just a lot of weeks!!) She really needs to learn how to write book reports--her wonderful teacher this year has the kids using a 'graphic organizer,' which I think is supposed to help them organize their thoughts before writing, but DD has resisted this (doesn't like extra writing), and unfortunately hasn't learned the lesson about how to explain things to other people. Does anyone know of a good online course that would teach a kid (middle school or early high school level) how to write a book report or essay or similar stuff?