We're having a good year. It took a while because we had a maternity leave sub for six weeks, but we finally met and the teacher seems to be a real expert at differentiating. Things are finally taking off, and the welcome reaction we got to the discussion bodes well. Dd loves school, she likes the friends and schooly stuff, but she has asked for acceleration, which she'll get more of now. She just has to find the fun in stretching while they sound out easy words and use their arms to show blending... Kinda cool really, but she's bugged by phonics. But then she mopes about not liking books, HA, the child who made me read to her for three straight years of her life. She's really into math, so whatever. She has some best friends and gets along pretty well with everyone, tho I think some of the girls are starting clique stuff and etc al-freaking-ready. I am sure the teachers will step in if alerted, but for now DD's going to learn to ignore some stuff. She loves rough housing and silly things they all do, but eh. Could be worse I hear from other patents whose kids are exposed to trash tv etc on the playground. She's really gotten the hang of school, tho she rarely goes potty til I take her back in after each day. Feeling really grateful for this school!
Hope most folks have a good year, or find a clear new path...