R.E.A.C.H. Open House & Information Night
November 29th, 6:00pm-7:00pm
Madison Park School
1431 E. CampbellWe are hosting an informal evening to give parents of highly gifted kindergarten through seventh graders information about the REACH program and the admissions process. This informative gathering is open to all parents of highly gifted students, both inside and outside of the Madison School District. The open house format will provide parents a sneak peek at the classes and opportunities for students in the REACH program at Park and Camelview schools. Teachers, administrators, and students will be available to answer any questions.
The Rigorous, Enriched, Accelerated Curriculum for the Highly Gifted (REACH) maintains the highest admission standards in the state. REACH offers a tuition-free, top-tier high school and college preparatory education to highly gifted students.
Consider becoming part of the REACH community - a Madison tradition since 1999
Questions? Contact:
Kevin Sotomayor - Madison Park Principal (grades 5-8)
ksotomayor1@msd38.org Michael Winters - Camelview Principal (grades K-4)
mwinters@msd38.orgSarah Armistead - REACH Council Co-President
sarmistead1@cox.net For more information on Madison REACH:
http://www.msd38.org/education/comp...d=1290&linkid=nav-menu-container-4-19433 ![[Linked Image from sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net]](http://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/69704_10151243176677472_1804994406_n.jpg)