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    Mark D. Offline OP
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    Hello Posters,

    Per some requests on this board, We have decided to Create a "Sticky" post that contains a link to a Hoagies web page of commonly-used gifted acronyms (below). This page can be a good starting point for new-comers to the board. smile

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    Great Idea!
    Let's add some of our own favorite acronyms and phrases too -

    Mine's LOG - level of giftedness - the difference between most gifted kids and the far flung few who range beyond any mythical cut off.

    "Chicken Dance" is slang for subject acceleration when the school doesn't line up all Math at once, so that a kid must leave one room to go to another in a kind of disruptive and non-natural way.

    "For the Grandchildren" is a battle cry that comforts us when we make incredible efforts at advocacy that create change too late for our own individual children.


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    "Balanced Push" or "Supported Push" - a phrase that acknowldeges that as wonderful as child led learning is, we grown ups owe it to them to have an independent perspective and actually 'push' at times to help them get over various confusions that get installed by spending lots of time in learning environments aimed way below their readiness level.

    ODP and SDP are short for Outer-Directed Perfectionism and Self-Direct Perfectionism. Both rampant in the Gifted World, and often, but not always, caused by too much time in school settings below the child's readiness level.

    Related, is "The Goldilocks Problem" when the readiness level shrinks to a skinny little level or seems to dissapear completely. Everything appears either 'too hard' or 'too easy' to afflicted child. Again gentle balanced pushes at the closest estimate of the child's readiness level and great patience will usually decrease this 'Goldilocks Problem.'

    And yes, I did hatch DOK, and it was a lovely moment! Thanks for the acknowledgement!

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    ND stands for 'Normally Developing' as a way to discribe what most adults expect kids of your age to be like.

    'Agemates' is a term for children who share the year of birth with your child, and perhaps or perhaps not some other interests.

    'Peers' is reserved for children who actually are your child's peer in at least one area.

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    For OHG: GS# = Grandson, aged #

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    Here are some general internet conventions:

    DS4 = Dear Son aged 4
    DD11 = dear daughter - aged 11
    DH = dear husband, or darn husband, as case may be. ((giggle))
    DS = dear spouse
    DW = dear wife
    DX = dear x-husband, x-wife or x-spouse
    DP might refer to a school priniciple,

    HSing - homeschooling
    PS could be private school (which actually prefer to be called Independent Schools these days) or Public School so it's really confusing to use these. Of course most of us are quite confused about if there is actually a differenc between them IRL (in real life) as well. Sometimes there is and sometimes there isn't. Only sitting in the classroom and observing the goings on will tell for sure.

    IEP - Individualised educational plan
    GIEP - IEP for gifted kids - some states have them and some states don't.

    And if you are a real newbie (new to the internet person), putting something in double quotes give you a chance to show an emotion, like a smiley.


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    AWK = "Away with out keyboard," another Grinity-ism that I really like. smile

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    GS8 just got a WEP, Written Education Plan. That's what they do for the gifted kids in our school. A little late, but better than never.

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    DYS = Davidson Young Scholars Program

    (Also sometimes abbreviated YSP, and one who is in the program is a YS.)

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    POGS = Parents of Gifted Support Group

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    Here's an old favorite -
    MOTS - more of the same

    refers to what many schools give their advanced students instead of compacting the curriculum so that the kid can move on to new challenges.

    Example - Because Robert completed the page of single digit addition quickly, his teacher gave him 5 more sheets of double digit addition to complete. She didn't realize that at home he is doing division. When Robert didn't show any interest in completed the 5 pages of double digit addition, the teacher concluded that he doesn't have any unusual drive to learn and resisted Robert's parents attempts to get subject acceleration to Robert's Readiness Level.


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    Haha How about GT

    GT english
    GT math

    GT=Gifted & Talented

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    Or Honors

    then there's IB

    IB studies
    IB Mathe
    IB English

    International Baccalaureate

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    A side note: when I use GT, I usually mean just plain "gifted," since apparently there are some places that distinguish between "gifted" and "talented." I don't really understand that kind of system, but I try to be clear about my meaning after some confusion here in the past...

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    Okay, so what's "IIRC"?

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    I am a

    Acronyms are hard for me to understand

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    I propose a new term: 'Lumpers!'

    These are folks who don't see LOG, and expect your HG kid to fit their MG gifted program (or their competitive private school) and if your kid doesn't it's your kid's fault, because the other bright kids are enjoying it just fine.

    Lumpers see the top bunch as all having the same academic needs, it could be the top 25%, 10%, 5% or 3%.

    Classic Lumper statements are -
    "I raised you kids just fine without any special summer camp. If you just stopped paying attention to 'it,' than your kid could be normal."


    "We have handfuls of bright kids just like your child."


    "Here at Elite Private School, we challenge all children to their utmost, don't you worry, dear!"

    If you can think of a more charitible sounding name, please suggest it here, but I think we need a word to represent a 'non-LOG' perspective.

    Love and More Love,
    Grinity 'who is a lumper in many areas, but loves LOG!'

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    I just hear MON use this this phrase, and I love it!

    "newview" (meaning when she sees it, she learns it right away and spends a while reviewing until the whole class grasps it).

    Newview! Awsome!

    Goes right next to 'Classroom Edutainment' where the child is having too much Newview, but at least it's advanced enough to be entertaining.


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    Here's a new acronym: T12GA

    It stand for Top 12 Gifted Assesors in the USA

    And here's a link to find them:

    1) Go to Google Maps
    2) Search for: top gifted psychologists
    3) scrool down to 'user created content'
    4) check the box next to 'user created content' and search
    A closer inspection will reveal that there arent 12 names here yet - so lets start a thread for nominations, corrections, and feedback, ok?

    Last edited by Grinity; 01/30/09 02:53 PM.

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    That link didn't work for me, Grinity. confused

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    It works now, thanks. Yay!

    It looks so great, Grinity! Nice work! laugh

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    WMI and PSI:

    short answer:
    Originally Posted by gratified3
    Working Memory Index and Processing Speed Index. In general though, they are memory and speed.
    long answer:
    Originally Posted by Dottie
    WMI is Working Memory Index, and the tasks in the WISC-IV require a child to recite random combinations numbers forward and backwards, and reorganize combinations of letters and numbers into ABC/123 order. Basically, it's a measure of how your brain can manipulate the data is has for that moment. (This is not the same as long term memory)

    PSI is Processing Speed Index, and the tasks in the WISC-IV require a child to match certain symbols in a page of random data, and is somewhat a measure of hand/eye coordination, as well as speed. It also requires good fine motor skills and attention to the task at hand. The other task requires a child to translate a "code" into another form on a written sheet. Both subtests are timed.

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    TPS:The 'Transitive Property of Stupid.'

    This is a logic error to which very young, unaccomidated, gifties are prone. It is occasionally seen in parents and teachers as well.

    Here's what happend to us:
    In 2nd grade, DS knew that he could think 'better' than the other kids because of all the teacher-comments, and even in 2nd grade, he could tell that the comments the other kids made were 'rudamentary' by his self-standards. However, because he was slow at things like 'looking words up in a dictionary' and Math facts, he felt that there was something wrong with him.

    I think he saw it as the 'Transitive Property of Stupid.'

    In DS's mind:
    'If I think that kid over there is Stupid, and that kid can do an academic task much faster and more easily than I can, I must be really Very Stupid.

    The other famous example comes from outraged teachers who 'can't believe that their classroom is below DS's readiness level' because he doesn't have the very best grades, or check his work and occasionally makes stupid mistakes.

    The final example is the adult family member who doesn't think that they were/are gifted because their best friend in High School was smarter than they were. LOL! As if there could only be one gifted person in any given situation!

    I guess we live in a society where talking about talents and aptitudes is so taboo, that we don't have a very nuanced vision of the various ways of being intelligent.

    Love and More Love,

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    Whew! Thank goodness! I am new to this forum and in reading the posts I kept trying to figure out the lingo. I am fairly familiar with most psychological/educational terms and still didn't know what many things SDP. Thought I had dropped a few IQ points myself! Nice to know it was ignorance and not stupidity. :-)

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    As an educator and future gifted educator I have found this particular discussion very informative and love seeing all of the acronyms that parents of gifted students have. It will help me as I continue to find my way in gifted education and learn what I want to focus on. Thanks for letting me browse your site!

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    Welcome, GTteacher12 - do come and join in the current discussions on the rest of the forum, too, and start some if you'd like to bounce ideas off us. We love talking here :-)

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    Thank you for posting this. I kept seeing DD and DS and a number and had no idea what it meant. I am a newbie to the site but love it so far.

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    I was familiar with the other parenting forum convention, where the number shows the birth order of the child. When I first found this forum I was flabbergasted by the number of families rivaling the Duggars laugh

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    Grinity...Thank you for the tutorial! Seriously, THANK YOU!!! It is so helpful to a newbie like myself. :-)

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    Having a gifted kid is confusing. Glad to help however I can.

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    Originally Posted by OHGrandma
    GS8 just got a WEP, Written Education Plan. That's what they do for the gifted kids in our school. A little late, but better than never.
    "Chicken Dance" is slang for subject acceleration when the school doesn't line up all Math at once, so that a kid must leave one room to go to another in a kind of disruptive and non-natural way.

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    What does this acronym mean? Here are a few more gifted, 2e, and educational acronyms and phrases which are not on the roundup of Hoagies' list of acronyms and abbreviations at the time of this post:

    ABA - Applied Behavior Analysis (see BCBA)

    ABIQ - Abbreviated Battery IQ, based on routing subtests.

    ADOS - Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule

    ADS - Asynchronous Development Syndrome
    (Read it here)

    ASD - Autism Spectrum Disorder

    BACB - Behavior Analyst Certification Board (see BCBA)

    BCBA - Board Certified Behavior Analyst (see BACB)

    CBT - Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

    CFT, CFIT - Culture Fair Test, Culture Fair Intelligence Test (Wikipedia page)

    CHIPs - Children of High Intellectual Potential
    (Read it here)

    CPS - Collaborative Problem SolvingŪ
    (Read it here)

    crystallized intelligence - acquired knowledge and experience, as seen in vocabulary, general information, analogies

    DI - Destination ImagiNation

    DITD - Davidson Institute for Talent Development

    dox, doxing, doxxing - searching for and publishing private or identifying information about (a particular individual) on the Internet, typically with malicious intent. Note that Board Rules disallow this on the Gifted Issues Discussion Forum: "Remember that this is a public forum. This is not a diary or a private journal. Try not to post any information that will allow others to identify you, your children, or anyone else."

    DSM, DSM-5 - Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of mental disorders, published by the American Psychiatric Association (APA). 5th Edition, 2013.

    DYS - Davidson Young Scholar

    EBRW - Evidence-Based Reading and Writing

    EF - Executive Function

    EFD - Executive Function Disorder

    ELA - English Language Arts

    ERB - Educational Records Bureau
    Admission/Achievement assessments, typically used in private schools.

    ESOL - English for Speakers of Other Languages

    FBA, FBAs - Functional Behavior Assessment(s)

    fluid intelligence - innate intelligence, as seen in pattern recognition, abstract reasoning, problem solving, puzzles

    FSY - full school year

    G, g factor - general intelligence

    Gc - crystallized intelligence

    Gf - fluid intelligence

    HALT - Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired. Possible triggers for negative behavior, meltdowns, or tantrums. SENG article

    HYPSM - Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford, MIT. 5 prestigious US colleges. urban dictionary

    MAP - Measures of Academic Progress. An assessment by Northwest Evaluation Association (NWEA).

    NRT - Norm-Referenced Test

    NT - Neurotypical, or neurologically typical

    OOD - Out Of District

    OST - Out-of-School Time

    PYD - Positive Youth Development

    SES - Socioeconomic Status. SES may correlate with educational outcomes; An aim of common core is to have equal outcomes.

    SIG - 1) Summer Institute for the Gifted (summer camps offered by
    . . . .2) Special Interest Group (American Mensa SIGs)

    SLP - Speech Language Pathologist

    SOAR - is an acronym for helping students to remember study skills:
    Set goals,
    Ask questions,
    Website here:

    SPD - Sensory Processing Disorder

    SSA - single subject acceleration, usually Math or English Language Arts (ELA)

    VC, VCI - Verbal Comprehension, Verbal Comprehension Index (part of IQ test)

    WM, WMI - Working Memory, Working memory Index (part of IQ test)

    YS, YSP - Young Scholar, Young Scholars' Program (see: Davidson Young Scholar)

    ZPD - zone of proximal development. Explained on wikpedia here. ERIC report here.

    CoolMomTech article: "99 texting acronyms and phrases that every parent should know", July 14, 2014

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    My son in Colorado has an APL (advanced learning plan) has goals, but no real power to get him there.

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