DS needs to be "coached" a lot. Loud, energetic, blo-by-blow instructions, like what people were saying about the boring copying. "Get the soap, you can do it, reach for the water, both hands, both hands, both hands, ok, LATHER"
I kinda hate it, especially since we often get looks. But I'd rather look like a pushy fool than suffer the tantrums if I don't help him get throught this stuff. Interesting people are commenting on perfectionism connected to similar stuff. That might not be what I wanted to hear. Alas.
Is it a quirk that he mostly tantrums over stuff like which order to wash his hands in? hmmmmm. He won't put the soap on first, but he won't put his hands in the water unless I tell him too specifically, so if I start with soap, he tantrums, but then it's the other way round next time (so it's not inflexibility, it's just my failure at clairvoyance)
Since I'm on washing hands, he also insists on reading, interpreting, critiquing and following to the line any and all pictographic material. Woe to all if the Pictographs showing "proper toilet routine" fail to include the "pee" step. And don't get me started on the bathroom we often visit which has two *conflicting* pictos, nether of which include that step.
I love him, but man. I guess I didn't post before 'cause I didn't actually know where to start