Hi Amy,
I would certianly check out LI school for the gifted, as I've heard good things about them. I have never actually gone to a Waldorf school, but I know folks who have, and have asked a lot of questions.
Here's what I think are the pros of staying with current situation and doing K for another year:
1) Since they aren't pushing the children to learn to read, he won't have to sit through dull letter learning lessons.
2) Waldorf has wonderful physical therapy-like lessons integrated into the classroom (eurythmy?) that would be valuable for his weak visual processing, although they may not be 'enough' by themselves.
3) Waldorf is wonderful at stimulating imagination and life skills which your son may enjoy tremendously.
4) If the program is half day, then he has a wonderful chance to enjoy agemates, and still has plenty of time to learn on his own at home with you.
If it's a full day program it may be to tiring to leave him energy to learn afterwards.
He may not enjoy the imaginative/creative atmousphere.
LI School of Gifted may be a much better fit
What do you do the next year?
We have however found that worrying about 'next year' isn't very useful, as so much changes!
Best Wishes,