"Each school year, the Talent Search creates five sets of five problems each and distributes them to high school and middle school students in the state of Wisconsin and throughout the world. These problems are unusual, challenging, and we hope, enjoyable. They are not easy, but their solutions do not require advanced mathematical knowledge--just talent in problem solving.
Each year, top Wisconsin performers in the Talent Search will be eligible to compete for the Van Vleck Scholarship at the University of Wisconsin in Madison. The scholarship will pay $6,000 per year for four years. Details of the scholarship and of the competition will be mailed to the high scorers.
The top Wisconsin entrants and their teachers are recognized by the University of Wisconsin at the Honors Day celebration. Here the students talk to professors, attend some mathematics and science lectures, visit a research facility on campus, attend an Honors Luncheon and receive some simple prizes too. The awarding of honors is based on the total number of points, the total number of completely correct problems, the originality of solutions, and the year of the participant in school."
Problem and solutions for the last 15 years are at . They are proofs rather than computational questions.