I didn't know you were so sensitive.
Nah, I'm just joshing!

Things have been too quiet, so I'm stirring up trouble. You're always fun for trouble!

And on a serious note, I am thinking about curriculum recommendations, alee. We mostly just use the library this year for any old book that catches our fancy, and then we use Singapore Math. Cheap, child-led, and easy. Not wildly focused yet, but hey, he's 6! I don't think we need to be wildly focused!

My primary thought for you, though, is to ask if you know what style of homeschooling you're going to practice, at least at first. Buying ANYTHING before you consider how you're going to home school is putting the cart before the horse and is going to waste money and time--mostly money!
Check out this website to get some idea about philosophy before you spend the money on anything:
http://www.homeschooldiner.com/guide/intro/galaxy.htmlThere are others out there, but this gives a nice overview to get you thinking. At least it provides a list of the usual methods that people use. We're eclectic, since it means we can do whatever the heck we feel like doing any old time we want to!

I'm considering unit studies for next year, though. I won't research it until the summer though, when things slow down, so we'll see...