They cannot/will not differentiate enough for him. His typing is also at age level. Socially, neither I nor he have any concerns at this time. He does have alot of friends in the next grade up, as it is such a small school and most of the kids know eachother.
I just worry about him in the future I guess.
Honestly since he is PG, another full grade skip still won't be enough. I hate to say it, but it's true. My DS7 skipped K and is now in 3rd. They allow him to go to 5th grade for math and do 5th grade ELA (and afterschool science enrichment with 4th grade). Even with that his average in those subjects is about a 97% Still not challenging, but enough to keep him interested and learning some new things. He still does enjoy school (and all the social aspects like lunch, phys. ed, recess, etc.). I would see if they can let him go to classes a grade above (or more than a grade above) just for certain subjects and see how that works out. It doesn't take much work at all..just work in the sense that two teachers need to have a subject at the same time. We didn't consider another grade skip just because he is already subject accelerated past another grade so it just doesn't make sense. Anyhow, it may not be the best, but it's a solution that works for us and may work for your DS. And I totally hear you on worrying about the future. Very overwhelming so I try and take one day at a time