The Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency (BOTMP).
This is a standardized test of motor skills. It assesses gross and fine motor performance. It will give you a percentile ranking for Gross Motor, Fine Motor and Full Composite scores. It is a test of motor performance, NOT of sensory integrative function. This test will do just fine if you want to know how his motor skills compare to other children. It does not assess dyspraxia. It does not identify underlying problems in sensory integrative function (ie: vestibular, proprioceptive and tactile function). It assesses performance. Period. It is certainly a useful test for some purposes. But I don't see that it is one that would serve you well. It will tell you if he has coordination problems, but it will not tell you why. Nor will it tell you where his strengths lie in sensory processing. So you won't get any information to help with treatment planning, intervention, strategies, etc. You'll just have a score that says he is/isn't as coordinated as other children.
Actually, some kids with dyspraxia have overlearned some of the tasks on the BOTMP and they actually look okay on that test, in spite of not being able to get on a swing they've never seen before. Or being scared to death of having their feet leave the ground.