Yeah, the salad days of GT denial, before my rude awakening to GT reality! :p Testing wasn't even a blip on my radar screen when DS was 2 or 3 or even 4! The school tested him for GT (teacher ID) when he was in K and almost 6, but I didn't even ask to see the scores until 6 months later and he was having trouble in school. (DUH!) But at the time, I figured they had IDd him as GT, so what more did I need to know. LOGs weren't something I was considering. Then I saw his outrageously high scores (I thought) and realized I had some learning to do!
I can't imagine what you must have thought/felt when you saw your DS's scores.

DS's pediatrician, current teacher, and two prior teachers have each told me that I should have DS tested. I've sat here staring at my monitor thinking really? - why? - are you sure? DS seems like a ND 2yo w/ a larger vocab...maybe MG...but I can't imagine more than that. The concept seems too far removed from reality.
Speaking of ND 2y/o behavior: Tonight, after DS rode his tricycle around the block, I told DS it was time to go home. He told me "I'll see you later Mom. I'm going to the park." Cut to rampant emotionalism when I said no.
By nature I'm a worrier and a planner. When I heard about this school my (true confessions style) initial thought was -- I wouldn't have to rely on DH to provide for DS's education. Anything *free* gives me more breathing room/options.