Hi everyone! I'm new here and I'm really enjoying all of the posts. I'd love to get your opinion on something.
I'm thinking I might be gifted (2e with dyscalculia, specifically), but I don't know for sure. I'm scheduled for a psychological evaluation w/ LD testing in about a week, and I have no idea whether an IQ test is involved in that or not.
I'm eighteen now, but when I was in kindergarten, I was in this pull-out reading program for what I'm assuming these days was for gifted kids. (They didn't tell me why I was being pulled out of my regular class. I just remember it was only a few other kids and I was always raising my hand.) It could have continued into first grade as well, but I'm not sure.
On my first day of kindergarten, I remember walking into the classroom and wondering why everything was labeled; I remember thinking to myself, "This is ridiculous! I know what it is, how to spell it, and how to read it."
After that, I was in fourth grade before my reading abilities were actually tested, after I did something to make my teacher believe I couldn't read. They found that I was reading on a seventh grade level, with full comprehension.
But even then, they didn't put me in gifted classes. I was left to finish my reading assignments long before everyone else. I have distinct memories of looking up from my completed reading assignments to find out I was the only one done. I felt like a freak. My reading speed has tested at over 1k per minute.
My parents never pushed me to read. My mom simply showed me a book one day and I just took off. It wasn't long before I was reading on my own.
I've always felt different from the other kids around me, but it wasn't until recently that I discovered giftedness on the web and started to wonder.
I'd really appreciate any thoughts. Thank you for your time.