well, like I said...I'm going to do what I want...if that leaves us with no work to turn in for June and maybe even May, too bad for the school. Maybe it will force their hand.
I'm so busy with the day to day of life that I haven't even gotten to the place where I can find out who to talk to next, at the District level. Our cuts are so bad that you can't even get someone from the GT program to call or email you back

Also, the school keeps saying "You can enrich her at home" like that is helpful, because it's totally NOT. I don't see the point of going "deeper" in math when you are at the basic additon/multiplication stage, how does one even enrich that? That might work in areas she enjoys, like reading, but she isn't much of a "mathy" kid so far...
She enjoys the school and doesn't seem bothered right now...and we're finally in to Developmental Behavior with our personal insurance, so we might get somewhere with that...and multiple instruments (violin and guitar) as well as multimedia and 3 hours of art on Friday keep her occupied...but really, by my calculations, she is spending about 1/3, maybe even only 1/4 of the time an "average" kid in traditional school spends on classwork...WHAT am I supposed to do with that? lol!
At this point, I don't think Iowa would help us at the school level. I don't think this particular school "gets it" as far as acceleration goes. I just want access to that next up cirriculum that MY tax dollars paid for! ugh!