seriously, do we have that emoticon available here?
Overall, we are pretty happy with the new "home study" program for Butter. Or I was until today.
We had finally finished our testing/assessment and the principal said he welcomed having a talk with me and the school psychologist about what we would do for Butter. That meeting was today...
Chops (that's the husband) an I decided that, based on her WIAT, we would like her moved to 4th grade (she's in 3rd). So that's what I went to ask for. SO SHUT DOWN!
The school psych was DISMISSIVE of the testing and said they wouldn't even look at it! They pulled the whole social emotional BS card. The psych did NOT like it when I pointed out that math "enrichment" is pointless for a kid not interested in math AND when I challeneged the notion that she didn't really NEED to be worried about Social Studies at this point, especially when the topic was uninteresting to her. She DID glance over the WISC and say my kid couldn't possibly have any auditory processing problem (even though she's not qualified to make THAT assessment). I was told that even if Butter finished the 3rd grade work tomorrow, she would not be given 4th grade work, but the principal will introduce me to the HIGH SCHOOL english teacher and see if we can't get some more approriate novels and literature analysis...he told me I could "enrich" her at home, but what is the POINT of THAT if shes not getting any kind of credit and will be expected to perform at a LOWER level in the classroom? Oh one more...the SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGIST told me, indeed, we would not likely EVER get any additional testing or assessment for ANY KIND of LD because, BY DEFINITION, a kid could NOT test that high and have LDs!!!!! OMG!!! BY WHOSE DEFINITION? THE DISTRICT IS WRONG!
To add insult to injury, THEN the principal told me that skipping is at the behest of the teacher at the END OF THE YEAR. So, we will not even be allowed to CONSIDER this until I go to put a bug in the teacher's ear. She also teaches 4th, btw, so she woul be pretty well placed to figure out if a kid could skip 3rd or 4th...she ADMITTED that Butter seemed bored (HER WORD) at times or like she's not really paying attention, but then asked WHY I would want to skip her???????? REALLY?!?!?!?!?!
I just don't know what to think at this moment. my head hurts so bad! We have one other option, Connections, but I don't want to move her AGAIN this year, especially when she likes all the extra cirriculars