Hey, I just joined, so I just found this thread. If I may offer a recommendation, check out former publishing agent-turned-middle school novelist Nathan Bransford's "Jacob Wonderbar." It's the first in a proposed series and so far, has been getting some great reviews.

He has a (very entartaining) blog and forum for aspiring writers as well. I lurk there a lot but haven't yet gotten up the gumption to post much anything. Haven't read the book but if it's anything like Bransford's funny surfer-dude personality on his website, it's guaranteed to garner quite a few grins

maybe for the adults too

More comic sci-fi (if he's into that) include Terry Pratchett's Discworld series and of course, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

Not exactly young-adult/middle-grade per se, but classics both, and high-ranking favorites of the high-school-aged Internet crowd.
Good luck with your search and... don't panic.