I'm looking at the reviews on amazon...is this just a book about getting an IEP? THey don't do gifted IEPs in our district and we don't know if Butter has any disability yet. ADHD alone isn't enough to get an IEP in our district and OT isn't a stand alone service...is there more to this book than the reviews say?
Get the book. Dang what is wrong with me--can't make the right smilie work...
edited to add: oops, meant to post more--aculady summed it up well up above. It would be useful for your situation. You are creating a paper trail that makes it likely that if you end up before a judge one day she will see what a reasonable parent you are who is merely looking for an appropriate education for your child. And in the process of creating a paper trail it becomes clear to the school what you are doing, and hopefully they will have the sense to realize it is better to work with you now than to be forced to later.