Principal: "she has to be able to behave well in class before we will consider adding any differentiation"
Us: "Her behavior was great until she got tired of repeatedly telling everyone she was bored and being ignored."
Principal: "I think if you will put a videocamera in her room, you will be surprised at the behavior you see"
[later that same year...]
Principal: "I know that the school for exceptionally gifted is great at meeting the needs for those who qualify, but that's not what we're dealing with here" (our DD qualified later that month).
The above was for DD who is now 11 and thriving at the awesome gifted school. Fast forward a few years to teacher conference for DD6, who is already starting to have behavior problems (in 1st grade):
Teacher: "she's not ready for the 1 day/week pullout program. She needs more classroom time first because there are gaps in her learning."
You would think that with an older sibling who has paved the way, it would get easier the 2nd time around... but so far, we are on the exact same path. And we even sent DD6 to an expensive private school for early-entrance Kindy to avoid the boredom for a couple of years until we could hopefully get her into the exceptionally gifted school. Once again, we can't even get her into the one day/week pullout program.