Unfortunately, the only time my son is around other high-achieving peers is when he is in his accelerated math class - and he is still just breezing by in the class. Otherwise, all the kids are all placed together (and I have tried for YEARS to get him more, but to no avail). I have taken away his phone, i-pod, the use of the computer, etc. but that still doesn't seem to work (and trust me because of our financial situation he would have none of these things without his grandparents). I am also a lot to blame when it comes to checking his work - I have 4 other children and between activities and homework life is just crazy. Plus last year his teachers told me to leave all the reponsibility up to him and he would have to suffer the consequences if he didn't put any effort in or would forget assignments (which happened all the time), etc.
I think the idea of a male teacher is a great idea and somebody actually mentioned this to me yesterday - and told me one of my son's teachers that he thought would be good fit. I also have an interview with Big Brothers and Big Sisters on Tuesday to see if we can find a mentor there. We have had a lot of family problems at home over the last few years and this may help with that and maybe help him also find his passion again.
Thanks so much for all of your input - and yes, wouldn't it be nice to skip over MS
