Hi, I could use some help. Do you have Lexile scores at school? DD8's score isn't even way out there but I have trouble finding books for her in her Lexile. She likes
Series of Unfortunate Events. I have found a few
Ramona books (read them all),
Little House series (not high interest for her), the
Narnia books and
Harry Potter. She doesn't want to read HP (who's kid IS this?? lol) and
Narnia is doubtful too.
She loves funny books with strong female characters. Before her newest testing I found Lucy Rose, Sheila the Great, Harriet the Spy but now that she was retested with higher Lexile Score there are books like the Twilight Saga BELOW her level

I am going to email the teacher for suggestions. I am having the same problem with DS10. He wants to continue the Pendragon series but those are even below DD8's Lexile! Same with Ender's Game which I am sure he'd like. Of course he can do extra reading in his free time but he doesn't have any right now! Not with all this school reading (3 books at a time for various projects) I guess I should be happy because this is a way to differentiate within the class but I am frustrated.
It seems the writing is "mature content/low reading level". I need "high reading level/child appropriate content"![i][/i]