My son is at a public, Title One middle school. I've found that we can get a lot of concessions from administration simply by saying "this will really be less trouble for you than doing it the way you're supposed to".
He's been doing self-paced math online for two years-- we were homeschoolers at one point and he was out of sync with public school. They agreed to let him continue the self-paced math-- or at least, they did until this year when they hassled me a bit about it. I pointed out that, if they just ignored us for a few more months, it would be the high school's problem, which sounded just dandy to an overworked guidance counselor with 500 kids on her case load. So far, so good-- he'll start pre-calc as a freshman next year, and sophomores are eligible for dual enrollment with the junior college, so hitting the ceiling won't be a problem. (The advanced track 8th graders at his school are just starting algebra 1).

"I love it when you two impersonate earthlings."