We received our DS7's CogAT profile narrative yesterday, along with his report card, and I was shocked out of my seat. His Nonverbal and Quantitative scores were in the 98th and 94th percentiles, respectively, but his Verbal score was in the 71st percentile. The SAS scores show a >24 point discrepancy between the Nonverbal score and the Verbal score, which makes him an "E" profile.
We have been told since our DS was quite young that he showed signs of gifted-ness, with an emphasis on his acquisition, knowledge and mastery of verbal reasoning, understanding and comprehension. He is a high achiever in all areas, has taught himself to read music and the list goes on and on. He has had absolutely no challenges of any kind ever and thrives and thirsts always for more.
As the red flag raised in my mind, I recalled that he was sick the day the Verbal Battery was given, and he was sent home.
We are just concerned that the school get a true and accurate picture of our DS' abilities and this "E Profile" could not be further from the description of him.
Do you have any advice as to what my next steps should be?
Please help. Thanks!
Last edited by cogito703; 06/26/11 08:52 AM.