Ametrine - How much time does your ds get to spend in a pool without lessons being involved?
In any case, it sounds like you have made a lot of progress even since the very first lesson! Take heart. As the other posts have said, sometimes it just takes a while.
Good luck
He hasn't had opportunity to spend any time in a regular pool, having only a "kiddie" plastic one on our deck. We have decided to spend a few days this summer at the pool with him, just to have fun. I think you're right about the forcing before ready becoming a trust issue. We don't want that happening to ds.
Speaking of the last lesson included a trip down the waterslide. My son went up the ladder to go down. The instructor picked him up and placed him on the slide and down he went...face first into the water. He came up screaming because water went up his nose and into his eyes.
On the way home, I asked him if he wanted to go down the slide and he said no, that he changed his mind. I think the instructor didn't realize that he had decided it was too scary (it is loud) and set him down anyway. I was disappointed to see that the child before him (shorter) was allowed to go down on an instructor's lap. With my son's fear of water up his nose and his history of screaming over it, what were they thinking?
I blame myself also...I saw him on his way to the slide and by the time I got there, he was already up and in the line next to go.

No more lessons this year!