Jtooit and Dottie,
It's comforting to know that others have been there and understood our reluctance to decide one way or the other. Now that he has a 'good group' of kids that he's really comfortable with, he's really reluctant to let that go. He even made a comment about how he did not want to do anything academic this summer because he wanted to be dumber so that he would not have to leave his friends!

We are on board with him on this issue. Finding a good group is no easy task. Sometimes, it's by chance, too! Despite the best effort of teachers in getting a good group in each class, some kids just don't 'gel' together.
On the other hand, we felt that we needed to, at least, explore the possibility, considering that the school actually offered this option. We wanted to make sure that his academic needs would be met whether by acceleration in whatever forms. So we spoke to him and our younger ones about how when blessed with a gift, we have to make sure that we take good care of it and nurture it.
Jtooit, it's great that your DS has a great year, and that the school is very supportive! I'm just hoping that our DS will have a good year next year, too.
Tomorrow, he will get a chance to shadow in 7th grade class. We'll finalize our decision this Friday. Our wonderful Principal leaves the door open if we (or more like our DS) decide(s) that he wants to get accelerated later.