I had put this on an old thread, thought it might be better to start a new one..
It's been a while to reply,had to really think about if we should do the acheivement testing
when I recieved the results her GAI was in the 99% we decided to go ahead with the achievement testing, she more or less did the same thing,wanting to end the testing as quick as possible, cutting the tests short, except with her reading I thought she did do that to her ability... she ended up having math scores that would qualify for DYS program..
So now I don't know what to do, should I wait for her to mature a little bit and try the WISC-VI again, she got 99% without putting in much effort, if she was just a little interested I know the score would be there, should I apply now and show them her work samples? (she wrote little books when she was 3, now she has started writing songs, and leaving them all over the house) Or does that only work if the IQ score is there....any thoughts are greatly appreciated