When I dropped off ds5, I picked up his work from yesterday. The teacher said he told her the math was too easy, so she made a worksheet for him. He was adding 2 digit numbers for her (today she is going to do 3 digit numbers) . The problem is, all of a sudden he is starting to write his "2", "3" and "7" backwards. Is this normal for this age? My dd7 wrote a few letters backwards until recently.. so just curious if I should have this checked out
Hi Shelia
is normal, could be playing, could also be a problem

It is too early to really be able to see dyslexia since kids learning do this all the time. I am dyslexic so hyper-paranoid about it - DS5 still does it also, not as frequently as he used to - definitely about repetition although he was more apt to do it with letters rather than numbers. Sometimes he reads numbers from right to left 13 as 31, but he is doing that less. But still given my history this could be an issue for him. But plenty of kids, gifted or not, do this for a while!
The playing part is where the giftie comes in - DS brought home a "code" he and grandma made - totally his idea - they wrote words mirror image so you need a mirror to read, and then then mixed up the letters to made the code harder. He learned about mirror image from his Bella mystery cards - the answer is on the bottom and you need a mirror to read it. But apparently wanting to do that is very gifty - other parents have noted that on the board. So he could be having normal issues, he could be showing signs of problems or he could have been having fun.
Short answer - watch it, but not hawklike - unless you get mom-gut tingles saying there is an issue. On the LD forum - I have posted about this and others - mich was very helpful to me about this stuff.

I should try to dig out that thread for you - i'll see if I can find it!