DD loved the Magic School Bus episodes on molecular behavior at that age.
The one that I'm thinking of discusses soap molocules, hydrophobic "dirt" and the process of solute/solvent/solvation of particles via a very correct and cogent discussion (albeit a playful one) of colligative properties.
I'm thinking that there are some similar episodes that discuss changes of state.
ETA: I'm a chemist-- so I have pretty high standards for accuracy even in materials intended for children. MSB is awesome as a springboard for deeper exploration because it is so accurate.
Did you think the videos were as good as the original books? I avoided the videos because I assumed they were like the chapter books, rather simplistic with the science. DS 5 (at 4) LOVED the original books and is disappointed there aren't any new ones.
Well, we usually used them
in tandem with the original books. The videos were pretty good, in my opinion-- but there was a LOT of content and it went by pretty rapidly. Luckily, DD was so addicted to them that she watched the same ones several times and would find new things in them each run-through. They are
very clever and funny. Lots of inside jokes for sciency types-- rather the way 101 Dalmations is a clever movie for adults as well as children.

I did try the magnetism chapter book, and I have to agree that it was fairly disappointing, overall.
My daughter also found the CD-ROM based video games of the MSB series
very engaging when she was 4-7 yo, too. I don't know that they were super content-rich, but she enjoyed them.