basically, nutshelled...and totally condensed

dyspraxia is neuromotor dysfunctioning, a executive function disorder.

The brain is unable to receive, process and output motor information. Motor skills that usually become automatic, never develop that automacity.

I think the best way to describe it is to tell you some of the difficulties I have as an adult with dyspraxia.

I have difficulty with balance and coordination to the degree that going down a large set of stairs is VERY difficult. I get vertigo and must hold on to something...preferrably both the rail and a human being. I have difficulty with space and orientation. I still cannot write well...get severe cramps in my hands if I have to write more than a sentence or two. If someone bumps me I stumble severely and even fall...being in crowds is impossible.

For my son, he cannot write with automacity. He is very uncoordinated and clumsy. He had great difficulty learning to ride a bike, climb steps, potty train, throw a ball, run, climb play structures, organize objects (comes across as ditsy:^).

For some people, like myself, the problems can become severe.

Because we know about this stuff now, kids can have the effects reduced by occupational therapy, but tummy time is the start. Very intelligent, highly gifted kids are very susceptible to dyspraxia due to asynchronous development.

You, with your extremely bright tiny guy, could do yourself HUGE favors by learning about the following terms now....I wish I had known about them when my oldest boy showed the signs your little guy is showing....

asynchronous development
twice exceptional
dual exceptional
working memory
personal memory
impersonal memory (your baby shows signs of these two being interconnected, actually)

Even though it will be hard to make the connections now, if you have an idea of what is to come, you will be able to intervene before things become issues.

Read these two books now, imo....Misdiagnosis of the Gifted

and The Mislabeled Child

both are excellent but it you have to chose then go for Mislabeled Child by the Drs Eide.

also check out their forum

be blessed...your baby has a good and on top of it mommy!!

Willa Gayle