Do you have subtest scores for the WISC-IV? I'd like to see what, if any, scatter is there. My AS son has at least a 2 1/3 standard deviation scatter between his highest verbal subtest (vocabulary, where he hit the ceiling) and his lowest (comprehension). The "comprehension" verbal subtest apparently has a lot to do with social comprehension, not reading comprehension, BTW, and it is often a weak point for people on the autism spectrum. If the subtest score on comprehension was very low, it might have depressed the VCI, and therefore the FSIQ and GAI as well. If all the subtests are low, even though achievement is high, it may be that either your child simply couldn't understand what the test administrator was saying, or the test administrator couldn't understand what your child was saying. Or it could be that the anxiety made it hard for your child to speak or elaborate, and therefore he didn't respond at a level that gave a valid picture of his true potential.