Another day, another setback, and an unfathomable thought-process on my parenting partner's behalf.
DH was supposed to
help DD to prepare for a math exam that she has been avoiding (performance-avoidance, perfectionism at work... she is developing self-handicapping which I, being a person who has BTDT, has that teeshirt,
recognize for precisely what it is).
His method was to hand her a set of review problems (guaged by similarity to exam material)-- and verbally ask her periodically if she was "working" on them or not. As long as she answered in the affirmative, he thought all was well. (Yes, that's right, not checking to see if she was understanding, writing things out, or checking her own answers.) She started on the exam last night after studying using Dad's method all afternoon, and it went reasonably well...
at first...then it all started to fall apart. In other words, the first ten questions.... good. The next three, not-so-good. At that point, I sent her to bed.
Her answer, apparently, was to stay up late and read (leisure), then get up super early (~2-4h sleep) and make a mess in the kitchen... then finish working on the exam, which she angrily started to CRY over after about ten minutes. Unfortunately for her, I found a list/drawing in her bathroom indicating that she PLANNED her sleeplessness. UN-REAL.
So yes, I was angry with her for pulling this stunt, given our
very careful ramp back up toward this math class (which she is just about having kittens over at the moment, given her grade in it... another F on an exam isn't going to help, that's for sure).
DH's answer?
He called the local public middle school to ask about enrollment. 
(No, not kidding.)
His thinking, apparently is that "other kids like her have to learn to manage, so can she" (re: her disability, which is definitely about 2SD from the norm for THAT condition), and discovered that, uhhhhh.... not only will they not even 'consider' enrollment as an 8th grader (due to her age-- 11), apparently it wouldn't matter anyway since she's already outstripped the math available there.
Oh, but not to worry. We could (apparently-- I have my doubts personally since she has official public school transcripts indicating that she has passed state benchmarks for 8th grade at this point)
just enroll her as a 6th grader. Undifferentiated curriculum, mind you. That's right. My child, who is struggling with the fact that she's only NOW being 'challenged' academically-- oh, and only in the one class-- could... just... go... back... and do grades 6, 7, 8, and 9
over. Yes, the same child that was disappointed that the coverage of Romeo and Juliet was "pretty superficial" this year in freshman honors English.
DH's attitude is that this will "teach her a lesson" and at least make it all someone ELSE'S problem.
(Yes, I know, but he refuses to even
hear me about the magnitude of homework battles this would turn into.)
I'm truly sort of dumbfounded by my spouse at this juncture.
Amazed. But not in a good way.