What a wonderful young man!

And what a remarkably accepting and nurturing family he has. That really warmed my heart.

Am I the only one that found the initial tone of this piece to be more than a little grating, however?

"little brain"-- ugh.

I didn't much appreciate the reporter taking the patronizing, 'sideshow freak' approach. I'm still wondering what the Doogie Howser quote was all about. Clearly if this young man's classmates are seeking him out for assistance, he's integrated just fine into the environment.

At least the writer finally focused on the extent to which the boy's parents have simply supported his natural development, disregarding what we are told "should" be right for kids. I'm deeply impressed by his parents; that takes such courage!!

The comment about not sleeping and 'scaring people' really struck a chord. I see that (to a lesser degree, of course) with my own sweet DD.

I'm so happy for this passionate youngster! smile

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.