If only I read your post a year ago....

Who knows what is best to do. I can tell you that last year our situation was similar in many ways. I insisted ds finish the school year and even sent him back this year. I'm seeing damage done. I failed to have the insight MoN has above. Nice, willing is only so much and not enough if your dd's needs aren't getting met. A lot of kids go to school because they have to learn. I think it is a real problem when some kids go to school because they have a need to learn, then aren't allowed to. I wonder if your dd were able to learn at her own pace and level, she'd be happy with her group of friends for playtime. I don't have a clue about how to handle the recognition issue. What do you do when your kid sees others get accolades for things that seem remedial, yet constantly gets a subtle message that for them it is precocious or bragging?

I believe most teach because they love kids and love to have them learn. Sometimes it is about finding the right way to communicate with the teacher and sometimes about finding a right teacher. I've finally accepted that there is a teacher, who is a great person, who is just not compatible with my kid no matter what effort is put in. That's ok. But it means I have the responsibility the change that. Wish I saw all this a year ago though.

Best to you.