By the way, this wouldn't hold up in court or anything, but I've heard the more intelligent the person, the more androgynous.

And we've officially hijacked this thread!

I like to see EG and PG accelerated, but I think it's a band-aid that doesn't last long. I believe that IQ number weighs heavily on processing speed and memory. The more you give them, the higher you set the bar, the faster they catch up.

Our school has excellent gifted programming options. However, they have had to create a mini-magnet like program for DD8 and 3 others in her second grade class.

I highly appreciate their efforts, it's outstanding and she enjoys school much more now. Is it fully satisfying her educational needs now? No. Would skipping one grade solve the problem for her? H@#$ no. But it's not realistic for her to have one on one tutor-like teaching for her. Maybe in the future. For now things are okay. I am constantly on the look out for the program that "fits". Not sure it's out there except for homeschooling.
