Hi Val,
PM would be great. DH and I have slightly conflicting views on how to approach this set of topics with DS and with friends and colleagues. And I think you are right about different approaches for different people.

having that variety of opinions within our extended family might help me as well actually, more to draw on in discussion with DS. we do have some varied opinions but they aren't expressed often, and when they are the discussions can be uncomfortable, so I expect that's why.

What did you do with these questions when your kids were in the 3-5 range and had less underlying information for reference?

The tool of turning the question around is a great one, and we use it, but it seems less helpful when there's so little framework so far. we haven't discussed god or gods, for example. or heaven, hell. or religions or churches. as I type this it's becoming clear that I'm almost actively making an information void for him by avoiding these things.

I found that the author of parenting beyond belief has a website with a forum, and some suggestions there for rolling out this information to a child included starting with Greek and Roman mythology and the "people used to believe in..." perspective.

Do either of you have any reading material suggestions along those lines, age appropriate for 5-7 maybe? We do a lot of reading of fiction and nonfiction.
