PA Mom,

This is not a quick process. Unfortunately without getting into the specifics of your situation I probably will sound too vague. If you want to go into more detail, that's fine. You can PM me if you want. At this point I've very familiar with the PA process.

First thing is that I will tell you that there's a good chance your first meeting will be a bit of a let down. I'll make a few assumptions here, so correct me if I'm wrong. You probably made a the official "request" to get evaluated and triggered the testing. By law they have to give an IQ test. The second step of the process involves determining whether or not your child is considered gifted and whether or not their needs are being met by the current environment. (You can be gifted, but they can argue that your DC's needs are being met.) Then after being ID'ed you go through the IEP phase. Sometimes (as in our case) they'll combine those two steps although they're not really supposed to. If you just think about the fact that you're trying to get help for your DC then it doesn't really matter all that much.

Creating the IEP is supposed to be a collaborative process but I have not met a parent yet where that is really the case. You're on the team, and you're supposed to provide input. After reviewing the IEP you have a number of days to approve it or not approve it. Generally you can get some revisions in the IEP without having to escalate the process. (People go to mediation because they don't get a reasonable IEP or because the IEP does not get implemented properly). If your school has a G/T program they will probably discuss that with you, especially since your child meets the 130 cut off for PA.

The advice that I would give you is:

1) They are supposed to provide the solution(s). You approve or not. If they haven't addressed the issue to your satisfaction then tell them so (politely). We have made some suggestions on what our DS was ready for be we let them come up with solutions and it has worked very well for us.

2) Be patient. It's going to take time if you're going outside the normal G/T program.

3) You don't have to sign off on the IEP right there although you may be asked to. Take your time. You have something like 5 or 10 days (I forget--they will tell you).

4) Focus on the one area at a time. If you want enrichment in the G/T program, see if that is what they are presenting. If you think your child needs more in math or maybe in reading, ask about that.

Good luck! PA is good in that there is a framework in place but unfortunately it's not entirely a benign procedure!