Thank you all for your responses and I'm so glad to hear you all had some similar experiences.

Mama22gs- I cannot believe your child walks along the perimeter of the playground! My son does that almost every day, and I have watched with tears coming down my face. It's so sad to see him doing that when all the other kids are playing and running around with others. He is not interested in that at all. I have asked him what he did during outside time, and he will reply, "nothing really, I just walked around and thought about things." I am hoping that he will meet some friends next year that are more at this level, although I am nervous that next year when kids are older, they will just think he's weird. It breaks my heart. I guess he's happy though, and that's all that matters.

I have heard that the more gifted the child is, the more trouble he will have socially. Does this seem true for all of you? In my experience watching kids who are more moderately gifted, they seem to interact better socially and not seem as out of place.

Thanks again!