Decatur is going through some changes. I'm actually not sure if it's Decatur City or Dekalb County schools that are getting ready to close schools and rezone. But in general, Decatur has good schools.

Buckhead itself probably has great schools, but Buckhead is a very ritzy area, so if your daughters are not the Kardashians (sp?), and you don't plan on buying them a brand new BMW when they turn 16, you may need to look elsewhere (since you are worried about bullying). But, with the money in the area, as long as the APS don't lose their accreditation, it wouldn't be a bad spot to be.

North Fulton (Alpharetta) is a good area too. It's still considered Fulton County Schools. But as with everywhere in ATL, individual schools vary.

DS7 goes to a Title I school in our county, and it's actually a great school. At first I was hesitant because of it being Title I, but the parents are involved, the teachers are involved, and the kids are very diverse. He went to a non-Title I school last year, and I felt tension with the parents there. While DS had no issues, I could see where he could have. The only reason DC are going to a Charter School next year is because DS will thrive with the Math & Science focus, and we would like to move closer to our jobs. And now we can without worrying about the schools (well until 7th grade). The only requirement is for us to stay in the county.

Last edited by JJsMom; 03/03/11 01:12 PM.