Oh my goodness! Same response to the same movie from my DD8. She watched it last year at a friend's house and we had to go and pick her up. She had trouble falling asleep and she was very moody for about two weeks afterward. She said that she just kept replaying the movie in her head and she could feel her heart hurting. She still can't talk about the movie without crying. I felt really sorry for her friend's mother. She tries hard to understant DD and really loves her, but this one left her shaking her head. She can't wrap her head around why DD was so upset for so long.

The other over-the-top emotional response occurred when we moved in November. We had been talking about it for a long time and she helped us pick out the new house and was making plans for her new room. She seemed really excited. The last night in our old house, I tucked her into bed and she just lost it. She cried for at least two hours. What I could get out of her was that she had just realized that she would never sleep in the house again and that it was such an important part of her life. "This is where I grew my soul!" It has been three months and she has only just now acknowledged that the new house is beginning to feel like home. She cried herself to sleep for weeks.

Funny how you never know exactly how they will react.

Tomorrow is always fresh, with no mistakes in it. — L.M. Montgomery