
I'd guess that he hates practicing handwriting and reading aloud because those things are boring, slow and don't feed his intellectual curiosity, and they are much more subject to criticism ("That word isn't pronounced that way. This letter is formed like this, not like that."

Have you tried incorporating things that are fun or that he is excited about into the writing and reading practice? My son, who finds writing physically painful and incredibly difficult, was more than happy to write me pages of mystery clues to find "hidden treasure" or "secret messages" around the house. For the reading aloud, maybe you could ask him to find a paragraph that talks about something that he thinks is cool that he thinks you might not know. Or have him read poetry, like Shel Silverstein, where the sound it makes reading aloud enhances the experience, or passages that tell a funny story, so he can make you laugh.

Unless what you are really trying to teach is compliance - which is not always bad skill to have - but don't expect him to enjoy these things, or be happy about doing them, then.