Originally Posted by onthegomom
I'm thinking... if there were only 20-25 questions it should be pretty easy for someone to look at other Placement assessments and see how they stack up.
It's not that simple, because *which* 20-25 questions you get is dependent on how you're doing. (In a nutshell, the next question it asks you is one which it is as uncertain as possible about whether you'll be able to answer - that way it gets the information about what you can do as quickly as possible. Fictional example: if it asked you 23 x 19 and you got it right, it might later ask you 549 x 10057, but if you got it wrong, it might later ask you 6 x 7.)

However, the topic lists from here are detailed enough that someone should be able to compare that with any other assessment he's done.

Originally Posted by onthegomom
He said he had problems with filling in some anwsers and the program was not working properly. Sometimes he blames his problems on others/otherthings.
Odd behaviour does happen sometimes. We've noticed, for example, that using the back button is a really bad idea in assessments (I'm still not sure quite what happened the time DS did!)

Originally Posted by onthegomom
It seems to me he is not getting the attention needed to make the plan happen. I think the teacher is too maxed out on time. I wonder is it not possible to get this type of differentiation, (like with Aleks) because he is not independent enough OR did he just not get a good enough start with it and not enough structure/planning? OR is it not good for him.
It sounds likely that he's got in a pickle with the initial asssesment and just needs someone to watch him do another assessment and then make sure he knows how to use the program. He shouldn't need much in the way of supervision after that. I'd say it's worth perservering.

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