We recently decided to pull our son out of our local school midyear and move him to a school for HG kids 45 miles from our home. Just three days in, I had a "aha" moment when I knew we did the right thing:
DS7 had a previously scheduled appointment coming up. It happens to fall on the same day as the beginning of a new quarter at his new school. Today was the first time in DS's school career (short, I know) that I felt it was important for him to not miss a day. I am a little happy/sad about this - happy that we're in a new situation where he will be learning new things every day; sad that it was never previously a big deal for DS to miss school days, since he wasn't really learning a whole lot of new stuff.
Does anyone else have any "aha" moments that confirmed to you that you did the right thing in changing your DC's school situation?