Like the tv says on that cartoon network commercial,"get up, get up, get up. Be a player. Inactive activities on a glorious day. Foul!".
Nancy Chaun's daughters were quoted as saying, "American kid's parents say they let them find themselves and their own passion, but all they find is the tv.". Lol. And sOmeone here mentioned they're a teacher and the over-engaged (asian) kid's were creative and curious because they had a huge database of knoweledge to build from."
I'm just writing what to add fuel to the fire, not necessarily what I believe.
What I believe is that I respond and make my own choices differently based on my circumstances and what I know at the time. For example I would parent my babies differently if we lived in a city because our lifestyle would be different. Plus things change as we and the kid's grow older. That's what I believe. Wren I think it's great you can afford to live in the city and give your daughter an active lifestyle. I feel like i know you good enough to feel u aren't competitive enough to judge me for living in the country and sitting home with the kid's. We just got different circumstances. Fwiw I get the feeling that you play with your kid like a bossy protective older kid sister. That's not unhealthy. What's unhealthy is when you start seeing your kid like a project to be finished rather than a family member to be lived with.
Oh yeah, we're talking about free time. Oops. I get so sidetracked. Last night I scraped left over chili and biscuits onto a paper plate to feed the dogs. I walked to the cabinet to get some bread heels to add to it. On the way to the cabinet I threw away the paper plate to clear the table. Cheengaw.