Madsdad. We currently send both of our kids to Mackintosh in Littleton. Yes, each day we make the one-hour drive from North Boulder to the Mackintosh campus. Our kids couldn't be happier. After the year we had last year within BVSD, it's worth every mile and every penny. (For perspective, my wife worked within BVSD and we come from a long line of public school teachers... we support our public schools!) It's been a stretch, but our kids are back to being the happy little ones we knew before 1st grade. Mackintosh is aggressively pursuing the Eastern Sun campus on South Boulder Road. We've secured some amazing financial gifts and a Boulder campus appears to be a reality. Renu Rose, the Head of School, isn't much of a compromiser. I expect a top-notch opening. The staff at Littleton has amazing experience. Ms. Rose has a knack for creating a solid and safe culture of learning. My kids regularly express how happy they are to be going to Mackintosh. Both were in plays last semester. If you told me my 8 year old son would enthusiastically be in a play last year I would have said you were nuts. It's a haul, but I encourage you to visit Mackintosh in-person soon. Many Boulder families are committing to the new campus. I believe you'll have a great experience.


Steve Bachtel