My brother and his wife were brought into a meeting the other day with my nephews teacher and 3 other 1st grade teachers. They reason for the meeting was that they are suggesting that my nephew (lets call him L) be held back next year. The reason: He isn't completing tasks, has a hard time staying focused, and isn't "mature". They want to hold him back so that he will hopefully be more mature. They said "it will be great, he'll be one of the older boys and be at the top of his class".

About L: He started K young. He has an October bday so he started at 4 then turned 5 a few months later. He is incredibly bright. He has a proclivity for math and reading. His reading level is 2.7 (2nd grade, 7mos) and he's also advanced in math. The interesting thing about L is that he has this ability to build things that are amazing. He created an erector set where a marble rolls through it...and it is so complex I was really surprised. He's only in 1st grade, yet he's writing in cursive, doing division and is reading quite well. He can also do puzzles at lightning speed, even ones that are for adults.

I asked L the other day how school was going. He said "good, but I dont get my work done like I'm supposed to". I asked why and he said "Its just so boring sometimes...and I like to help other people with their work first if they dont get it". He is a very social little boy but Im guessing that his lack of focus and time management make him appear immature. Perhaps he is....but I just don't know. I'm also surprised the teacher is saying this now when there is still 4 more months of school. But maybe its a "heads-up" type thing.

So ladies help me out. I know many of you have kids who have difficulty staying focused in school. Its certainly not that he can't do the work but is this enough to hold him back? I know its common for some GT kids to not do the work when they aren't challenged. I dont know if he is GT but in my experience he really seems to be. Im not sure what level he'd be, perhaps MG. I would appreciate ANY advice you ladies might have.