Unfortunately, we live in the sticks, so the drive to piano is 30 minutes each way, otherwise, I'd gladly pay to have multiple lessons/practices with the teacher during the week.

I sat in on nearly every lesson for the first few years and that was a big help during practices, allowing me to remind DS of the teacher's specific instructions, especially regarding technique and counting in challenging passages. Otherwise, if I'm not certain about how to solve a problem, we table it until the teacher can resolve, either over the phone or in person. (There were a couple of times when we went merrily along only to discover that dear old dad made a mistake that mucked up his efforts for the week. Ouch.)

For the last few months, I've attended very few of the lessons, and can see the difference/efficacy in my involvement with practice time. It's far too easy for him now to say, "That's not what the teacher said!" and as I'm not in a position to know otherwise, I just have to accept his recollection.

He starts back to the ivory grindstone next week after an extended break over Christmas vacation, so all of these conversations will be dancing around in my head, I'm certain.

Being offended is a natural consequence of leaving the house. - Fran Lebowitz