Kona, the lexile.com site looks like a better search tool. Thanks for that. Coincidentally, I just recently subscribed to National Geographic. Can't tell yet if it will be a hit.
master of none, I can't find the "flash" series on Amazon, but he's already read through the History of the World series several times, so I think he's ready for more focused history. I'd love to hear more specifically what WWII books you son is reading. Mine is also interested in that period.
passthepotatoes, All Creatures Great and Small is a great idea. He has already read a lot of the Sherlock Holmes stories. Those were good, he liked them. I have some other, older books I downloaded for free (can't remember the titles right now), but find I have to preview all of them. Tarzan seemed like a great idea, but when I read it I thought it was too racist and sexist.
I like the idea of having him read older books because it's a two-fer (history and literature).
Mich - I will check out your suggestions. Ishmael is a great suggestion. Some may be a little advanced for him. I just read To Kill a Mockingbird and I don't think it would hold his attention. He might be able to handle that in small pieces if we read it together. That might be one to take on a vacation or over the summer. I remember I really enjoyed Owen Meany but can't recall much specifically. I think it had adult themes, but no more than a child in a healthy environment might witness in real life. Does that sound about right?
I don't mind adult themes, but want to avoid actual sex scenes and anything that has anything unhealthy (alcoholism, prostitution, adultery) as an integral part of the plot line. Brief mentions I'm OK with.
Last edited by JaneSmith; 01/09/11 09:08 AM.