I'll throw out another example. I have a son that is twice gifted - superior thinking ability, but profoundly dyslexic. His reading is at least 5 years behind, yet his reasoning skills are above the 90th percentile.

In most public schools, all the SPED kids get lumped together. His school showed me a separate classroom comprised of students with a wide range of needs including physical, verbal and developmental. I was crushed. Yes, my child cannot read and write, but he can think. In fact, he "thinks" better than most. Yet, due to his poor reading and writing skills, he would be crushed in honors or AP classes. He cannot demonstrate his skill and knowledge in a traditional manner.

Our answer is to enroll him in a private school that can handle his unique profile. He is in a school with very small classes that offers integrated support. Most importantly, he is placed with other gifted kids.