As far as I know, me being just a turkey lurkey, not even involved in the program.. The DYS is a master resource, one with live people who can counsel you and your Childs teachers on how to and where to offer different lessons to your child in your local school, or to help you advocate if needed. To help you find the resources to get your kid an appropriate education at their level, just like others have advocated for all the kids at the other end of the spectrum. That kind of advocate is available for a price, it's free at DYS.
I think they help find scholarships to summercamps lol CTY for profoundly gifted kids. I think there's a chatroom for the kids to keep in touch with each other, and one for parents. And there's potluck dinners that I've been told I have way underestimated by calling them potlucks. I think they bring in like scientists from Cernland in Geniva to give physics lectures to the kids. And, yes, even better, it's still a bar-b-que.
I don't think there's any prestige, well, I don't think it will get your name in the newspaper, except there's kind of a prestige or authority from having an outside expert approach your local school staff with a plan to provide an exceptional education for your gifted child at their readiness level. This would settle the "pushy parent" suspicions and get you more adequate services. More than that, the schools already know when they've got an exceptionally bright student. I don't think most schools know what they should do with them. It must be nice for the school staff and the parent to talk to an experienced educational counselor that deals with exceptional children day in and day out and recognizes some common signs indicating a large part of what the individual child might need. I see the point. I think DYS counselors advise homeschoolers as well.