I have been following this forum for a while. This is my first post. I need help to see what I need to do if apply for Davidson.

DD7 tested at school for WASI (Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence), part of SB-5 and WIAT-III. Here are the scores:
WASI: VIQ 133, PIQ 154, FSIQ 150.
SB-5: Quantitative Reasoning 147
WIAT-III: Total math 160, Total reading 135,Total written language: 141.
Her WIAT Total math, WASI PIQ and FSIQ fit the criteria for Davidson. But will WASI scores or part of SB-5 skills accepted? The school psychologist is very sure about the alignment of WASI and WISC. The school is not willing to test more. Should I go ahead and get her tested for WISC-IV or send in the application as is and hoping for the best? For all you Davidson parents out there: is getting in Davidson really worth the application effort? What are the real benefits?