Originally Posted by shellymos
[/quote] One time at 4 DS was doing equations with someone and when the person was shocked at all the stuff DS knew, DS responded "I am really good at math." The person jokingly responded "but not so good at humility, huh?" So then my DS wanted to know what that meant and why he had said that. I tried to explain that you don't have to tell people you are really good at things, you can just say that you really like those things. And he replied "yes, but it isn't just that I like it...I AM really good at math" And then I saw his point. It's tough because you don't want kids or people to brag, but why is it that if we have an area that we really do well in that we can't share that for fear of bragging. Now he usually just talks about how much he loves math, but sometimes he will throw in things like "I am in a 4th grade math class"
or "well I skipped K" when someone is trying to figure out why he is in a certain class at his age or when they are commenting on his intelligence or books he is reading,etc.
It isn't at all in a bragging way, it's usually when people are trying to do the math and are confused. He tries to help them out a little ; ) Nice thing about kids though as it comes across much better when they say they can do things than when we do.

The humility comment is interesting, it reminds of how when they are advanced in intelligence the assumption is that they are advanced in social stuff, same with when you have a tall toddler, somehow size means he shouldn't be throwing tantrums, a friend got that all that time. Humility is a pretty advanced social construct I would be really surprised if a kid displayed it! There is that fine line between the kid that everyone knows is bright and the kid no one can stand because they're showoffs! DS has also been saying I know everything because my brain is huge, because we had been joking around like that, but i think he realizes it was a joke because he only says that to us, and he followed it up with it's as big as a Woolley mammoths, I had to break it to him,theirs weren't that big, he was a bit bummed by that, lol!