Here's a good place to mention. Those of us who deserve frequent buyer miles from amazon- it's available. It's not much. It's 4% commission from sales. You sign up on the affiliate link at the bottom of (it's free). You can search anywhere in the amazon website and get a cut and paste link to any product they advertise and post it on your webpage. If you or anyone else clicks it goes directly to the amazon page with that product like if you went straight through amazon first. But you get 4% sales commission. I opted to get paid in Amazon credit (guilty blushing). Anyway it's like a rewards card if you buy from yourself.
Tell me how well that Lego cam works after you try it.
I never really buy many presents for my kids because my house overfloweth from our parents and grandparents gifts. My mom bought me a bike and two kid trailer, and bought Wyatt a bike. And she bought Espy a pink baby swing. And there's a stack of wrapped who-know's-what's.

The hubby and I might go look at a "styrofoam" and amp. so ds can hear himself singing over his drumset. Don't know why ds can never remember it's called a "microphone".